Blessed Wellness

At Lords of Leather, we believe in authenticity. That's why we use leather that is vegetable tanned using tannin from tree bark and other plant matter such as roots and leaves for our diffuser necklaces and bracelets. This is not only authentic to the Renaissance Period, but you can be certain that no dangerous chemical dyes are found in vegetable tanned leather. Also authentic to the Renaissance Period are the use of essential oils. Essential oils are also free of added chemicals and are 100% plant derived. A few drops of essential oils are applied to your bracelet or necklace where the oils penetrate the leather and naturally diffuse your selected oil for longer than synthetic scents.

In searching for a simple and healthy life change, we have personally sought a quality and pioneering company that we feel best represents true Renaissance Vitality. Young Living has a reputation and the commitment of offering the best quality essential oils with natural and pure processes and distilling, and have done so for twenty-four years. We use oils in our shop and in our homes. If you are looking to expand your full potential by exploring the secrets of the past, consider visiting and get started using essential oils soon. Essential oils have been used before written history. It is fitting that the compliment material is natural and sturdy, yet beautiful and thoughtful.For custom leather work regarding defusing and decorative items that you may be interested in, please contact us and we will do our very best to accommodate.

Proverbs 21:20 "There is oil in the house of the wise"

Young Living Essential Oils 


Maylissa Wells
Independent Distributor-Young Living Essential Oils

Available at most Ren Faires we voyage to!

See The New Catalog!